Is your child turning 4 before June 2018?
Its time to consider your choice for your child’s education
Enquire Todaystate of the art infrastructure
welcome all cultures and religion
music, arts, sports, & extension programs
Over $11M in new infrastructure over past 4 years
St Maria Goretti’s Catholic School has undergone a complete transformation over the past four years with almost every aspect of the school grounds benefiting from the renovation.
With new buildings and state of the art technology, your child will be well positioned to get the best out of their education.
Welcomes all cultures & religions
St Maria Goretti’s focus is on quality education for all.
Two streams across kindergaten to year 6
14 full time teachers across 12 classes, supported by specialists in music, art, Italian and sport mean that your child will be nurtured throughout their formative years.
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