Welcome to the Saint Maria Goretti, Out of School Hours Care Service. Our service is operated through Holy Name and Catholic Education Office. We aim to provide seamless care for your child and minimise the stress of transitions in their already busy day.
We believe in the value of the school community and take our responsibility in providing quality care for your child and family seriously.
Our programme is designed to meet the individual needs of each child in our care. We also endeavour to create a unique place for each child to assist them to feel a sense of belonging. We also work as a team to create an engaging, supportive and stimulating environment for your child.
For further information please contact us on:
Phone: 0413 432 139
Email: smgoshc@cathednet.wa.edu.au
Vacation Care Programme
27th September - 11th October 2019
7.00am – 5.30pm
Information for families
This program is available to school aged children from 4 -12 years.
It has been developed to ensure that children in early to middle childhood have access to age appropriate recreational experiences that promotes challenge, social engagement as well as opportunities to engage with the community around them.
Program Development
The program will follow the EYLF & My Time Our Place Curriculums and will comply with the National Quality Framework as well as the Education and Care National Regulations and Act.
Programs will be developed in consultation with children and families attending the programs and will be based on children's interests.